Meet The Crave Team

profile of Steven Salcido


Steven is an ambitious and open-minded software developer, driven by a deep passion for continuous learning and a fearless approach to new challenges. With a thirst for knowledge, he eagerly embraces emerging technologies and methodologies, leveraging them to push the boundaries of his software development expertise.

profile of Mary Kohn


Mary is an exceptionally talented and committed software developer, known for her diligence and agility in tackling complex projects. With a strong dedication to her craft, she consistently delivers high-quality results while adapting seamlessly to evolving industry demands.

profile of Mahin Khandker


Mahin is a dedicated software developer who constantly seeks opportunities to enhance his skills and knowledge. Passionate about tackling intricate software challenges, Mahin's unwavering commitment to his work shines through in his pursuit of excellence.

profile of Chyna Davis


Chyna is a software developer driven by a deep passion for pushing boundaries and fostering innovation through her design skills. Her ability to merge technical expertise with creative flair results in captivating and cutting-edge software solutions that redefine user experiences.